Network Camera Person Detector – With a Twist!

At my home I have 4 Ubiquiti Security cameras around the outside of my home (plus a few inside as well). I chose Ubiquiti because they do not need to be cloud connected as I would prefer to keep as much my video within my home as possible. While the video quality was nice, I […]
CloudFlare – The Free CDN

CloudFlare offers a free, robust CDN complete with industry leading security features and an extremely intuitive interface. This post aims to go over some of the features that make it so great.
Why is the shellshock such a big deal?

Shellshock is a vulnerability in the bash shell. This vulnerability has been lying unnoticed for more than 20 years.
300zx Photos

My co-worker just got his 300zx back from the shop and we thought it would be a good idea to take some photos.
What is Bitcoin?

What are Bitcoins? I’m sure by now most people have at heard the term at least once. You’re probably wondering why everyone’s talking about them, and why some people are investing great resources into this new digital currency. Hopefully by the end of this post you will have a much deeper understanding of Bitcoin, or […]
Offensive Android Security

I’m sure many people have known that Android has great potential; unfortunately until recently mobile devices didn’t really have the horsepower to do anything fun. Running network scans took forever and drained the battery. The best value was to show what the future might hold. Well, the future is here and it’s really nice.
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